Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Abortion and the Death Penalty

Do you believe that a person can be opposed to (against) abortion and for the death penalty or opposed to the death penalty but for abortion? Provide reasons why this is your stance.


  1. A person can be for capital punishment, yet against the abortion. However, no person can be for abortion, yet against the capital punishment; unless all morals are ignored. First, a person can have a positive stance towards the death and a negative one towards abortion if they are pro-life (to an extent), however even more pro-justice. Capital punishment is the removal of a horrendous individual who damages society. They made their choice to murder or rape, thus it is the state's responsibility to remove that person...permanently. The Commander and Chief swears an oath to protect this nation from all enemies, both domestic and abroad. The Constitution also references said protection. It is the responsibility for a nation to completely remove that individual, thus capital punishment. Abortion is the murder of an innocent life (at the moment of conception life exists). Removal of an individual who committed heinous crimes and "removal" of an innocent child who cannot defend for themselves, cannot be compared. on the flip side, any person with a mind based off religion or any, even the smallest amount of morals, cannot justify clearly the murder of a child to the removal of a maximum criminal. I hold a firm belief regarding myself as not pro-life, nor pro-choice, yet pro-justice. The murder of an innocent child deserves capital punishment. Being cowardly and unnecessary (due to adoption agencies), the murder of a child and the removal of a criminal are not two and two. I hold this stance firmly due to strong convictions of upholding justice while following a loose set of morals based off Christianity, not Catholicism.

  2. For the aspect of weather a person can both belive in the death penalty and be against aboriton depends on what you as a person belive. I for instance do belive that a person can believe in the death penalty but be agianst abortion. When looking at both of these two they both deal with the aspect of someones life but under different circumstances. For instance the death penalty punishes thoughs who have committed certain crimes such as murder that take someones life. I believe that we as humans are given opportunities to live life. Capital punishment cnostructed and used by the government truly puts to death certain people who have taken others opportunities to live life and to not take anyone elses away the government takes theres. They had there chance to live but decided to go the other way. On the other hand abortion is taking away the opportunity to of any being or cell to live life and expireience our surroundings. If you are for abortion you are simply destroying life and therefore would agree with the death penalty. But for those like myself that are against abortion we are giving those potential human beings a chance, opportunity and life. Two aspects between the death penalty and abortion are that one is the kiling of human life for the daftey of our world and the general public, and the other is giving a human an opportuniy to live and prosper. Eventhough we aren't giving the ones under the death penalty continue prosper is becasue they had there chance to do so and decided to go and take someone elses. Therefore I believe that a person can be against abortion and for the death penalty.

  3. I believe that a person can be against abortion, but for the death penalty. This is possible because there is a major contrast between the two. The death penalty a person and removes them from society because of their actions and decisions. This person is considered a threat to innocent people and must be vanquished to keep the people in society feeling safe and on the side of the government. An abortion is the murdering of an innocent life because of a poor, immature decision someone else made to engage in the act to produce this human being. Human life starts at conception; therefore the baby is in turn being murdered because it is a living human. As you can see there is a complete difference between scum who deserve to die because of their sick actions and an innocent life that is killed for nothing he or she has done, but for what others have done. It is impossible for a rational being who considers ethics when making decisions to think it someone can support abortion, but not the death penalty. This is because no one can justify the murder of an innocent life and justify not killing a guilty human who threatens that given society. Anyone who believes in abortions most likely will believe in the death penalty because they do not understand the value of human life an that the innocent should not be harmed for someone else’s wrong doing.

  4. I believe that a person can be against abortion, and for the death penalty. No matter what who look at abortion in my eyes is wrong. Abortion is the killing of a innocent life, that has done nothing wrong and has not been able to explore and experience life in which was given to them.When people say that you can be against abortion and for the death penalty I feel they are wrong because someone who had committed a horrible crime has had a life to experience and thrive and they messed up and in death penalty cases deserve what ever is coming at them. Either a young embryo or a small baby that is almost going to be born it does not matter once that baby is conceived you have the right to give it an opportunitty to leave its mark on this world and experience everything that it can. When someone says that oh I don't have the money to care for the baby or I don't have the time to care for a baby well that stinks, but you still can deliver that baby and give that child a life with a family that can give it everyting you can't at the moment.

  5. I believe there is a person against abortion but for death penalty.Basicly,death penalty's purpose is kill a person that who did something opposite the law and cannot be forgive,even abortion's purpose is also kill a person,in another words,kill a baby,but this little life is innocent,as a outcome of a irrespnsible sex action,nobody will take care of this kid if he born,that's why they choose abortion,but essentially he is innocent,should be killed.So abortion is more immoral than death penalty.At least,death penalty will kill a guilty person,but abortion will kill a innocent person.Also death penalty is been allowed in many countries around the world,it is based on law,but abortion sometimes is not,also abortion will bring many nagetive effects to the woman.Based on what we taught in class,the people can be pro-life,that's also one stronger sourse that support my stance.

  6. I believe that if a person is pro-life and for the death penalty it is contradicting yourself. The whole idea of pro-life is that you are for a human life no matter what they have done, so saying that you are pro-life but taking someones life away because they have done something wrong doesnt make any sense to me. If a person is pro-life and against the death penalty it makes much more sense to me, same thing with a person that is pro-choice and for the death penalty,

  7. It is possible to be for capital punishment but against abortion. It is also possible for the inverse to be true also. However, neither is necessarily moraly proper. Both are the killing of innocent life but they are not of the same level of copability. It is far worse to support abortion but not the death penalty. Abortion is the killing of someone who cannot defend themselves and had no choice in the decision. People getting the death penalty made their choices before hand when they committed the crime they are sentenced for.

  8. I believe that a person can be against abortion but for the death penalty. Because the baby is innocent and shouldnt be killed just because the parents can not support the child or even wanted it in the first place. But people can be for the dealth penalty because the person that will be killed did something wrong most likely murder. I am against abortion and for the death penalty because I believe that the baby has the right to live, but a person who killed another person doesnt deserve to live and therefore i am for the death penalty.

  9. In my opinion, a person can be opposed to abortion but for the death penalty. Someone may argue that abortion and death penalty should be stick together because both abortion and death penalty are parts of the murder. However, although both abortion and death penalty result in killing life, they are supported by different reasons. And those distinctive causes or purposes allow me to believe that a person can be opposed to abortion but for the death penalty.

    The abortion, an induced termination of a pregnancy with destruction of the embryo or fetus, mostly performed by the fear or the hatred of women. What it means is that women decide to do the abortion because of rape, teenaged conception, financial problems etc. Those women think the abortion is the last solution and they are desperate to make other choices. But I personally think those reasons are not enough to justify the abortion. For instance, to place a baby in an orphanage or in an adoption home is even better than simply killing a baby before the birth. As an embryo and a fetus do not deserve to die(they actually did no harm to women), it is unfair to destruct them.

    On the other hand, the death penalty, a
    sentence of punishment by execution, is the last solution that is approved by law and society. As we believe that "All men are created equal," all the people should be treated evenly. Thus, no matter how a criminal felt about the victim, a criminal should be judged in an objective way because a criminal is the one who has committed the crime and because we are in a democratic society. However, it does not mean that the death penalty is always just. A punishment for the criminals could vary, based on the considerations of all the informations and situations about the event. So what I mean is that if a criminal is put to the death penalty, that case must have been seriously checked by the professional judges who learned the most about laws and fairness. There still could be a mistake in judges' decision, but I would say the verdicts made by the wise humans are appropriate enough to justify the death penalty because we are in a human society that was established and developed by the humans.

    Consequently, a person can be opposed to abortion but for the death penalty because an abortion is used as a way to escape from adversity while a death penalty is used as a punishment for a criminal.

  10. I believe that a person can be for death penalty but against abortion. The death peanalty is killing a person that has done something very bad and deserves to die. A baby is an innocent thing and deserves to live whereas a person that is getting the death penalty deserves it and is most likely not innocent. I believe that a baby has the right to live a full life but someone that does something so bad to deserve the death penalty then they should get it

  11. i believe that a person is able to be for the death penalty and against abortion like i am because i think a child that has not done anything wrong in the world should not be killed but i feel that a person who has chosen to do kill another person or harms others like it, that is when the death penalty should be used

  12. I believe that a person can be for the death penaly and against abortion. You can be for the death penalty because you are not taking an innocent person's life, they have done something horribly wrong that could put them in the situation to ave their life taken away. These people had the opportunity to live life and they ruined it. You can be against abortion because the innocent babies that are being aborted do not have the opportunity to go through life and make it their own.

  13. Having an abortion is taking the life of an innocent humain being. The death penalty is taking the life of someone who has done something to the extreme where they deserve it. The killing of an innocent life is incomparable to the killing of someone who has taking the life or lives of someone else. God wants us to make new life and to bring the gift of living into this world, by having an abortion you are stopping that.

  14. Depending on your own views as to the moment a new life begins really answers half of this question. If a person belives it begins at the moment of conception, the that person will be against abortion, but if the person belives it begins at birth, the that person is pro abortion. For the other half, this depends on your sense of justice. If a person belives that those who have done wrong deserve to be executed, then they are pro death penelty. Some of these people may be pro death penelty, but still be anti abortion becasue the unborn child has done no evil yet. However, people who are against the death penelty but pro abprtion will argue that it is not a child yet.
