Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Dorothy Day

Does the fact that Dorothy Day had an abortion in her twenties influence your position on whether or not she should be made a saint? Why or why not?


  1. I feel as though Dorothy Day should become a saint do to her great contributions to the world, especially those who have suffered and have lived through poverty. I am not condoning her action as in abortion,because i feel as though abortion is taking a life. What we all have to realize as human beings is that we are going to make mistakes. but its a person like Dorothy Day who can learn from her mistake and make herself better and the world around. I feel that is a true act of a saint.

  2. Dorothy Day influenced the lives of many and she should be recognized for that. She made a mistake in her life by having the abortion, but she made sure she lived her life right after that. I do not think she should become a saint becuase it takes more then just good deeds to become a saint.

  3. I do not think Dorothy Day should become a saint because of the abortion she got. The Catholic Church is strongly against abortions because it is murder in their eyes. So i think she sould not become a saint because she went against the churches beliefs.

  4. I do think that Dorothy Day should become a saint because of all of here contributions to helping the poor. Remember she had no affiliation with the catholic church before she met the old man and the nun.Even though Dorothy had an abortion the first time she was not ready for parenthood at the time .her first abortion came before she was even catholic so she wasn't really going against what the church believes. Once she found an interest in the cathlic churcha and helping the poor she fell found of what the church does for others. Once she became pregnant agian she realized that she wanted to raise her child with a strong foundation or begining.The church was this foundation. So I Believe that Dorothy deserves to become a saint because she had an aborition before she was baptized/wellcomed into the church, and she then let her baby live once she was apart of the church. Also Dorothy through God found her true meaning and purpose in life which is to help the poor. She then adopted many catholic princliples into her every day life. She aslo gave her whole life away to the church and the poor. That is why dorothy should still become a saint.

  5. I belive that Dorothy Day should become a saint for her actions she has done to better the world, and not focus on her faults in life. If this is brought into question, it can be argued that one of the most famous saitns (Paul) compleatly rejected all aspects of christianity and it's practices before converting and other saints have started as theives and unweded fathers/mothers before opening to christianity.

  6. The fact that Dorothy Day had an abortion in her twenties changes position on whether or not she should become a saint. Someone who has had an abortion or killed someone should not be allowed to become a saint. One of the 10 commandments is shall not kill and if you disregard this rule of God by having an abortion you should not be allyed saint hood

  7. There are many examples in Dorothy's previous life before becoming devote to the church. What she did is immoral, but forgivable through reconciliation. She gave her life to the lord. Also even though she never was married to Tamar's father again its something that can be forgiven. The church believes that nothing is out of the reach of God's forgiveness. There is an old saying that Saints are just sinners in Repair. I think Dorothy perfectly exemplifies this adage.

  8. Dorothy Day had made up for the fact that she had an abortion with her first baby. The volunteer work she did and the work she had comitted with her paper the Catholic Worker shows the prowless of one who is a saint. She defended the rights of the persecuted and those who had been misrepresented and that shows that she should rightfully be canonized as a saint. Her work and trust in God shows that even though she had an abortion, she should rightfully be called a saint.

  9. Dorothy Day should be a saint. Although she had an abortion and had a child out of wedlock, she did so much work for the poor and also helped spread Catholicism. Abortion is murder, but St. Paul killed many Christians before his conversion. Day lived a recklees lifestyle, but St. Augustine did too and he also had a child out of wedlock. She was able to set up an organization that spreads Catholicism at the price of one penny and takes care of the poor and homeless even after she died.

  10. Dorothy Day's decision to have an abortion does not affect my decision on whether she should be a saint or not. Dorothy Day did a lot for the poor and a lot of things that people today could not do, so i think her having an abortion in her early twenties should not keep her from being a saint because she was a great person who did a lot for people.

  11. I believe that the fact that Dorothy Day had an abortion in her twenties does not influence weather she should be a saint or not. I strongly believe that she should be a saint. She changed her life after she had the abortion and met the old man and the nun. She made her life a more holy one and lived a life that helped others. She gave up her entire life in order to help the less fortunate and this alone makes her a saint.

  12. Dorothy Day's abortion should not effect her ability to become a saint because she simplied sin like anyone else does. God offers people forgiveness if they are truely sorry, therefore if Day is truely sorry for the abortion then her sins were forgiven. As we all know she was truely sorry and had her daughter baptized into the Catholic Church, to thank God and show her sorrow for the earlier abortion.

  13. No, the fact that she had an abortion does not cut her short of being a saint. I think if she didn't want to have a baby she can do what she wants. Dorothy spent her life dedicated to the poor, she slaved over them and just because she got an abortion does not mean that she is against God, she earned her right as a saint.

  14. I believe that Dorothy Day should not be canonized as a saint, i believe this because of her abortion. To me taking a life is the worst thing you can do in your life, and even though she has changed her ways completly she still took a life, but in saying that she is still one of the greatest and most influetioal American Catholics ever, and i would consider her to be a great person

  15. I believe that Dorothy Day should still become a saint.The fact that she had an abortion should be overshadowed by what she did to help so many people.I don't agree with the abortion policy of the church anyways,Dorothy Day did not agree with everything in the church as well.

  16. The fact that Dorothy Day had an abortion in her twenties does not influence my position on whether or not she should be made a saint. Of couse, someone could say that she should not be regarded as a saint because every branch of Christianity, including Catholicism do not allow
    an abortion. Perhaps Dorothy Day is a sinner who
    ignored one of the important rules of Christianity. However, if we look her case carefully, we can interpret it in a different way. For Day, abortion of her first child was the
    most important motivation that changed her life. An abortion was the turning point for her that by losing both her boy friend and child, she found other eternal lover to love with, which was God. She thought God could forgive her abortion, and that was one of the reasons why she was so pious and loyal to God. Therefore,
    in my opinion, an abortion was some kind of advantage for Day to be a good Christian. She offered the love she did not give to her first child to every other person in the world as Jesus did, and at last, she became a saint, the true follower of Christ who physically experienced the importance of love which Jesus emphasized.

  17. The fact that she had an abortion should not effect her canonization.She was basically tricked into doing it. She was sad about doing it after wards. Also she did it before she converted to Christianity. And God is forgiving so why can't we be.

  18. I think that Dorothy Day should still be a saint even though she had an abortion. I think she should still be a saint because she had her abortion before she was actually catholic. She helped many people by giving them a place to stay, she did many good deeds. Dorothy chose to keep her second baby instead or aborting it. She changed her ways completely and helped many people, because of this I think that she should still be canonized as a saint.

  19. I think Dorothy Day should be able to be a saint. I dont think that just because she got a abortion should change how people view her. If Saint Paul, who went from killing christians, to becoming a saint i think Dorothy Day can too. With all the work she has done with the poor it probably wont be long until she is canonized a saint.

  20. I definately believe that Dorothy Day should still be able to become a Saint regardless of her abortion in her twenties. As Gervis stated earlier, she was not Catholic when she had her abortion, nor was it totally her decison. She was definately influenced by the father of the child. Even though the Catholic Church is strongly against abortion, the actions of Dorothy Day, especially after she was baptized as a Catholic, in my opinion, most definately cancel out her abortion. She almost single handedly provided food for hundreds of starving and poor men, women and chuldren. She housed the homeless as space allowed, most of the time over crowding her own home. Dorothy's actions benefited so many people, and not the just the ones that she provided food and shelter for. Her actions and beliefs also influenced many other people to live a Catholic life and help others and love all people.
