Tuesday, October 6, 2009

John Rawls' Theory of Rights

Imagine that you are behind John Rawls' "veil of ignorance" and did not know your own race, sex, class, or natural strengths, weaknesses, or proclivities. What principles would you adopt if you wanted to found an ideal society?


  1. Behind a "veil of ignorance", presented with the opportunity to decide on the principles for which I would adopt while creating my ideal society; I would adopt the same principles which founded the greatest country on Earth, the United States. My society would be built upon liberty and freedom. Every man would be created equal and presented with equal opportunities. Each man would be required to follow strict laws regarding conduct; if those laws were broken, then serious circumstances would be at hand. My society would follow capital punishment, if the crime worthy of it presented itself. All citizens would follow John Locke's principles of life, liberty, and the pursuit of property. In regards to Rawls' veil, all citizens would agree to the principles upon which the society was founded, therefore, could not complain about these principles. Rawls' first principle of every person is to have an equal right to the most extensive total system of basic liberty compatible with a similar system of liberty for all; would be followed. However, part A of his second principle would be ignored, while part B would be encouraged.

  2. I would adopt the principles of America, like other people that come from other countries they all eventually become Americanized.

  3. Not knowing what race i was or my strengths and weaknesses were would allow a new view point on life. Everyone would be treated the same and with true equal rights conflicts would not result in war. I agree with what nick said in that I would allow Capital Punishment beacuse I believe that some crimes are so unforgivable that there is only one way that true justice could be delivered. I would also make sure that every person has the right to Life that is not hindered by another person unless you commit the a crime as I stated before, Happiness, Property, and Freedom. I wouldn't have us rely on money because I see it as a prime reason why people go to war with each other if we all are exactly the same. You might say this is similar to communism, but thats not what I'm trying to say. The concept that everyone is equal is a good one that can not be truely done. However with the same guide lines that the american laws give us we can be a functional little country.

  4. If I were behind John Rawls viel of ignorance and didn't now my weaknesses, race, sex, or strenghts I would probably follow my gut and beleive what is right is right. But if i wanted to found an ideal society I would probably look to the people that already exist to see how they live and by what. Then i would take some of there ways that i like and apply to my society. I would make sure that everyone is treated with respect and have equal rights no matter the circumstances. I would use our surroundings to survive like animals and so forth and if there were money i would use it for the greater good of the society. Even though i don't like war that much i would have an standing army just incase we were under attack.Basically what i am saying is that i agree with much of john locks principles, but would do whatever is good for the greater good. There would be a government in which would pass certain laws and punish those who have commited adultery or murder. There fore the priciples of my society would revolve around the golden rule and trusting my gut/ what i believe.

  5. I was behind John Rawls viel of ignorance, with out knowing my race,weaknesses,sex, or strengths, i would have to think for my self and turn to my consciense to decide for my self in my life what is right is right. I agree with elliot when he says that you can look at a certain society, and take what you like from it, but also learn from it and make your society with you own set of principles. A government is meant to keep order and organize a society so that the people in the society are heading in the right direction. Governments set laws that state some of are rights, but there are natural rights in which we were born with and, like rawls states, everyone should have the same rights, and the same equal opportunity to office and what they want to persue. That is what I feel a society needs in order to have success and equality.

  6. I agree with Elliot, I would go with what I thought was right and learn from my mistakes. I would be influenced by other people's culture and that would help me to decide if what I was doing was right or wrong.

  7. If I was behind John Rawle's "Veil Of Ignorance" there are principles I would adopt to make a perfect society. Principles that I would adopt are that every one is equal. I would want to go with what is right. I would not want one group of people to be better than the other. I would want things to be fair.

  8. My goal would be to create the perfect society, wuch would be filled by only people who I deemed moraly right, meaning that the people follow basic moral codes, which every race has regardless of religion. The problem would come when someone else's moral codes differ from my own, and the basic human reaction would be to get rid of it because it is different and different things threaten this society's way of life. So regardless of the veil, a good majoraty would act in on this human instinct if omething different were to come into their society.

  9. If I did not know any of those things I wold attempt to do something along the lines of what is done now in America. I would treat people equally and have rights for all people not just one group. There would be no need for a poverty line because everything would be fair so no is poor.It would be fair.

  10. Behind John Rawls' "veil of ignorance", I would adopt a different set of principles to make a society that I would find suitable. I would completely wipe away the veil of ignorance. Without race, sex, and gender, there is no originality between people. This consequently takes away a substantial amount of literature that has to do with the following things. I would have my society much like America as stated by the United States constitution.

  11. if i was behind John Rawls "veil of Ignorance i would try and adopt a society that is similar to what we have now, But with that i would try to eliminate the class system making everyone equal but people who have money can keep it but give money to the lower class' to shrink the gap between the class'. I would give everyone the same opportunity as the person beside them even if they did not have the money or the social status to do so.

  12. If everyone didn't know their own race, i think that there would be no countries. There would be no more war or hate crimes. People would have equal rights and there would be no need for a mens restroom and a womens restroom so you would only need one. I also agree with nick that if we had laws like America it would be a better place

  13. If I was behind the veil of ignorance I would accept the same society I am in now. I everyone had the veil of ignorance i do not believe that there would be any war or any problems between anyone. The people would all try adopt the same society. They would appoint a leader but i don't belive that the world would be anything like it is now. There would be racism because nobody would no that they were different than anyone else.

  14. If i was behind the veil of ignorance and did not know my own race, sex, class, or natural strengths, weaknesses, or proclivities. Nor did i know everyone else's in the world and i wanted to adopt some for my own ideal society. I would use the blindness to race, sex, class, but not natural strengths, weaknesses, or proclivities because there will always be leaders and u need to know how to help them and ruin them if needed.

  15. If everyone was behind a Veil of ignorance and nobody knew their race, sex, class, strengths, or weaknesses life would be kind of boring. Yes there would be no wars or problems but everyone would all be the same. I believe what makes you who you are is all those things that the veil of ignorance takes away.

  16. Being behind Rawl's "veil of ignorance" in a perfect world, seems like it would make life totaly equal and there wouldnt be any problems. But, not knowing race, sex orstrengths or weaknesses of people is definately a problem. If people did not know their strenghts and weaknesses how would we find the best man for the job. No one would hire a plumber to build a twenty story hotel would they? How would we elect a government if we didnt know their strentghs and weaknesses, couldnt they be totally oblivious on how to handle governmetal affairs? This "veil of ignorance" seems like a good idea, and im not saying that I agree or condone racism, sexism or any predjudice for that matter, but if everyone was equal or if everyone's strengths and weaknesses were unknown, the world they inhabbit would be a very tough one to maintain or even populate for that matter, because not knowing anyones gender poses a pretty big problem for reproduction.

  17. I agree with kevin,he makes a good point about not knowing people's strenghths and weaknesses and how we would deal with that.Based on what Kevin said I think it would be hard to adopt any principles because everybody is the same
